I No Longer Hate Running // Swim, Bike, Run

I don't hate running. Not anymore. Not really. I have no idea how it happened. It might not be on my top ten list of things I would like to do everyday, but sometimes it is. I first noticed a change when I came home from a swim/run in April and said to my husband, "It was the perfect night for a run." He just looked at me and said, "Who are you?"

I realized I had made the switch when I ran the July 3 5k evening race with a good friend. J and the kids came, it was not blistering hot, and as I lined up with a few hundred other runners, it hit me--I don't hate this. I even like it. It was kind of a surreal moment.  I loved having Mr. L cheer wildly for me at the finish line, and was proud that I ran it in under 28 minutes. I met my goal. Yeah.

I love that running doesn't take many (financial) resources. You need a good pair of shoes, but other than that, you could run in old sweats and a tshirt. You don't need a fancy bike, or bike shoes, or a pool, or swim cap and sunscreen, etc. You can lace up your shoes and just go. I like that. Running sometimes feels a little more honest than biking to me.  There isn't a whole lot you can do to give yourself an advantage other than just run.

Now of course, I don't run more than three miles or so. And I don't expect that to change.  But I love running in my neighborhood, new neighborhoods, when I go on vacation, and especially when it is not hot and humid. Or dark and freezing. I hope its a nice fall... because I don't think I'm the only one who is officially done with the 51 days of above 90 degree weather we have had this year.