River Farm Gardens // The Great Outdoors


My dad was visiting this past week, and we spent a lot of time at area parks with my 3 year old. If you are local and have little ones who like to ride their bikes, I can't say enough good things about Jones Point Park.  The National Park Service turned the (often dead space) below the Wilson Bridge into a park with lots of room to ride bikes and play basketball, among other things. Very cool. We also hit up the mega park Clemyjontri, and after he left, one of my personal favorites, River Farm Gardens.riverfarmgardens_swimbikequilt_favoritethingsRiver Farm is the home of the American Horticultural Society and was originally the home of George Washington's River Farm. It was uncommonly hot and humid that day (welcome to summer in Virginia!) and we went at 3pm with the school's Garden Club, so it was a bit on the chaotic side. Too sunny for too many pictures, but lots of space to run and play and enjoy the beautiful gardens.poseypatrol_swimbikequilt_favroitethingsI went on my own Posey Patrol at the gardens, and enjoyed myself very much! Dana Bolyard from Old Red Barn Co recently started a #poseypatrol hashtag on Instagram, and I love seeing pictures from everyone's garden (or borrowed garden in my case!)