Meet the Vintage Quilt Revival Quilts: Sorbet Mini Quilt


Sorbet Mini Quilt Vintage Quilt RevivalThis is the last of my projects from Vintage Quilt RevivalThis is my Sorbet Mini Quilt, made from the Mosaic No. 19 traditional quilt block. In this chapter, I talk a bit about recoloring traditional quilt blocks. This is actually 4 Mosaic (star) blocks put together. I kept the same structure and recolored the blocks for a different look! This is also my project with a nod to the popularity of text prints. There needed to be one, don't you think?Sorbet MiniI love how the quilting looks on the back. It's pretty simple to quilt, as well.Quilting DetailThanks so much for letting me share all of my projects. I hope to make a few more things out of the book, since I have noly actually made 1/3 of the projects. Ready, set, go! Follow on Bloglovin