The Mountains Are Calling and I Must Go // The Great Outdoors


The mountains are calling and I must go. ~John MuirI love this shot of my son by my husband--more than anyone, my 8 year old loves being in and exploring nature. I can certainly sympathize with John Muir--the grandeur, wildness, and beauty of the Wasatch Range are something to behold.We have spent most of the last three months finding and then fixing up our "new" house (more on that another day) and spending time with family.

Millcreek Canyon

Millcreek Canyon

In a lot of ways, the last three months have felt like a very long vacation, and a work until you drop every night experience, rolled into one.  We have taken a few opportunities (although not as many as we would have liked) to explore a few nearby canyons and trails--my kids more than any of us, thanks to grandparents and my husband

Salt Lake City Mountains

Salt Lake City Mountains



Guardsman Pass

Guardsman Pass

I thought I would share a few photos of some of the beautiful places nearby--Big Cottonwood Canyon. Snowbird. Little Cottonwood Canyon. Millcreek Canyon. Guardsman Pass. Emigration Canyon. Grandeur Peak Trail (not all pictured, but all explored).And if you are surprised how green everything is, and doing a double take, yes this is Salt Lake City and not Portland! I think we had more rain last month here than we did in Portland--totally unheard of.It has been nice to explore.