Guest Expert #11: Faith Jones and 5 Ways to Audition Quilting Designs

This week's expert tips come from Faith Jones of Fresh Lemons Quilts.

Faith Jones [@freshlemonsquilts] is an author, designer, quilter, and one of my favorite people to work with. We have co-hosted the Summer Sampler for years, and wrote Vintage Quilt Revival together.

Faith shares helpful tips for choosing your quilting, specifically how to audition quilt designs for quilts.


Have you ever thought... wow, I wish I could see what different quilting patterns would look like on this quilt top before I take the plunge and start quilting [or pay someone to quilt!]

With these tips from Faith Jones of @freshlemonsquilts from a quilt along we co-hosted a few years ago, you can do just that! She includes a video.

Yvonne’s Meringue Quilt Pattern

Faith designed the Spring Star (one of my all time favorite blocks) for the 2017 Summer Sampler—this one is unique because there are 6’’ and 12’’ block patterns!

Bella Solids Mockup

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