Spring Flowers // Favorite Things


My week turned out nothing like I expected, life is sometimes like that, I guess. (I think I channeled Alexander). It started out with the unfortunate trifecta: my husband unexpectedly went out of town (back now), double ear infections for the baby and flu/cold/allergies for me, and the car either didn't work or was in the shop for the last five out of six days. Two of the three would have been okay. Three of the three would have been okay if I hadn't been running close to empty for the past few weeks. But this week?  Not fun. No sewing. Lots of grumpiness. And even more kindness on the part of friends and family. Thank you, everyone. Without you I think I would have surely withered on the vine.


So today, we drove around for a few minutes in the pouring rain, happy to have our car back, eager to see something other than the inside of our house. We (well, I) thoroughly enjoyed the second wave of spring in all its glory: pinks and plums and purples and a bit of red thrown in here and there. Even with iphone pictures in the rain, the second wave of spring might be even prettier than the first. I'm grateful for beauty, in all its forms. And bedtime. And spring break (because Grammy and Grandpa are coming to visit!)