Flea Market Fancy // Works in Progress

Flea Market Fancy in Progress

After making tons of  Flea Market Fancy 9 patch blocks last year, I hit a standstill. I didn't like the way I had arranged them, so I let them sit. For some reason, late last night, I pulled them out, started arranging, and finally liked what I saw. That's always a nice feeling! I decided on this block design last year because I had just a bit of each Flea Market Fancy print (a whole lot of swapping and a whole lot of luck!); many of them were 2 1/2'' strips. Can't wait to make more progress on this quilt.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

On another note, if you follow me on twitter, you might have heard that for the first time in a decade, my husband and I are "racing" head to head in a triathlon in May. The swim is pretty short, I have almost no chance of beating him, but that won't stop me from talking a bit of trash.   (History: In 2002 he beat me by 11 seconds. I'm pretty sure if we were racing head to head I would have beat him. Ha!)  It also is the push I need to up my game. So, today I took 2 two year olds on an hour long bike ride... and now I'm exhausted. Nap time, everyone! Happy Wednesday. Enjoy seeing all of the other fabulous WIP projects today.