Star Bright Baby Quilt // Works in Progress


Star_Bright_Quilt_SwimBikeQuiltA quick snapshot of a baby quilt I'm working on for a new nephew--I promised my sister in law I would send it before he turns 1. Ha!  Baby quilts are my favorite, for sure.Washington_Kastles Our adventure for the week (at least one of them) happened last night,  when, for possibly the only time in my life, I was a VIP. We joined a friend in his front row box seats for the Washington Kastles, a local summer league tennis team. My six-year-old has a new found love for tennis, and he sat quietly and attentively for over three hours, watching (really, really good) tennis. It pays to be a cute kid in the front row--he got a tennis ball, not 1 but 2 t-shirts (which he got signed by all of the players from both teams!), a racquet, and at one point Anastasia Rodionova was frustrated, came over and pretended to give him her racquet, and asked if he wanted to try. I think he might have developed a bit of a crush on her last night!  The weather was perfect and it was just lovely!