Summer Sampler 2018 // Block #4 // Giza


Welcome to Week #4 of the Summer Sampler 2018! This is Giza, designed by Faith Jones. Make sure to check out her blog post--I love how she took the entrance to the Great Pyramid in Giza and created this block


I also love that she created the block without Y seams!I have some pictures of the paper piecing and a tip, but before that, I wanted to share some *pretty* awesome photos of myself at Giza. This is the only spot, out of 18 different destinations, that I have actually visited, so I wanted to do some reminiscing. Y2K Katie was pretty great, eh? Lol.Pyramids in a sandstorm. And my friend Angela was pretty smart--wearing her fanny pack given to us by the tour guide as a sling. Or maybe I was just fashion forward. #cargopants

This photo makes me smile and cringe at the same time.


Sigh. My friend Elisabeth and I on a camel. If you have never ridden a camel--its is quite the experience.


Ok. Back to paper piecing. I love that you can take pieces that look like this...And arrange them like this... Of course these photos don't show the mess of paper piecing!


And finally, the paper piecing oops! I was listening to the end of a book, and was way too engrossed. So my tip for this week--pay attention! It seems obvious but....