Summer Sampler 2018 // Block #7 // Half Timber


This week we are headed to Germany! Lee Heinrich designed this block, Half Timber, inspired by half timber architecture.Ironically, I had no idea how many half timber constructed houses there were in my neighborhood until I made this block. There are a ton!

Interested in making your own Summer Sampler? Pattern available here.


Click over to Lee's blog post to see the stunning inspiration photo.

This block is paper pieced--I used two blues that are really similar, but not quite the same. It is hard to tell in photos, but it is a nuanced block in real life.


Lee re-numbered this block so that the seams nest, which makes the construction so simple!  This wasn't my favorite block on paper, but its just stunning when it is actually sewn up. I love blocks like that!There are quite a few ways to lay out these pieces, and different ways to color the block.


Check out the Summer Sampler hashtag to see more.Enjoy this week’s block! And remember, we’re taking NEXT WEEK OFF, because of the Independence Day holiday in the U.S. Those who have gotten behind can use this as a catch-up week! Or, spend some time enjoying all the eye candy under the #summersampler2018 hashtag on Instagram! Either way, enjoy your week, and we’ll meet back here for Block 8 on July 9. (And don’t forget to click here for more info on Summer Sampler 2018.)

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