Guest Expert #5: Fran Gulick and sewing an accurate 1/4'' Seam Allowance

This week is a Catchup Week—I am not releasing a new block in the 2022 Summer Quilt Along—Choose Your Own Adventure quilt until next week [Monday, July 4].

This week, Fran Gulick of Cotton and Joy is sharing tips for getting an accurate 1/4’’ seam.

If you focus on any skill in quilting, this is a good one! In some of our previous Summer Samplers, there were 20-60 pieces in a 12’’ block! If your seam allowance is off by even 1/8’’, you can see how this could get you into trouble, fast (or at least, how your block wouldn’t measure 12-1/2’’ x 12-1/2’’ when you are done!)

Fran designed the City Center block for the 2021 Summer Sampler Quilt Along.

Once you have mastered the 1/4’’ seam allowance, check out her popular Cabin Peaks Quilt Pattern!

Bella Solids Mockup

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