The Happiest of Days // Favorite Things


1. We have a bush in our backyard that is just kind of there--a nondescript green bush. But every April, it explodes into beautiful pink flowers. My favorite color pink (my friend calls it pencil eraser pink). Who knew I would ever have a favorite shade of pink. But I do. Its the color in the Lizzy House Red Letter Day collection, by the way.2. Which leads me to number two. This is my "pacman quilt." My husband says it reminds him of playing pacman as a kid. Just the look I was going for. But anyway, its quilted, and just ready for the binding. Perhaps if we hadn't been sidelined by a non-sleeping-double ear infection-feverish-non-sleeping (oh, did I mention that one already?)-still cute six month old, it might have been bound this week. Next week.3. I've been giving quilting lessons to my sister this week. She started stippling her first quilt on Wednesday, and finished that part tonight.  She started with a baby blanket--green polka dots on top, white minky on the bottom, striped binding. The double fold binding has been sewn onto the front of the quilt, but we thought that starting the second part of the machine binding at midnight was not setting her up for success. Its been fun. I think I'm an excellent teacher. (smile!)4. Very early this morning, I was looking at new quilts on The Modern Quilt Guild's flickr site. You do what you have to do to keep yourself awake. Then I looked at a few comments on my flickr photos. Lizzy House commented on the bedding that I made baby N, which made my day! I realize that she comments on lots of peoples pictures, but it still made me smile.5. I got to spend about 6 hours at the zoo today. It was certainly the most laid back zoo trip we have ever taken--we spent time looking in the binoculars at the exhibits, watching the videos, reading all of the signs explaining things about animals, pretending to be cheetahs and gazelles, cheering for the red pandas, and gushing over the baby gorilla who is about the same size as my own little tiny. Mr. L. couldn't believe the gorilla baby could walk. It was all very exciting. We were able to meet up with good friends from college (a former roommate and her husband) and their two adorable twins, who are 4 months old. I was impressed they made the trek down from NYC. :) I pushed two kids up an enormous hill, in the heat, and around the zoo for 6 hours. While not triathlon training per se, I do think it should help me with the endurance. Right?