5 Tips for Piecing Quilt Backs

Pieicing Quilt Backs.jpg

Years ago, I put together a blog "link up party" called "The Other Side of the Quilt." I wanted to see how other people pieced quilt backs.I haven't pieced quilt backs on a regular basis FOR YEARS, but recently, I realized that I really liked "using up" all of the coordinating fabric from each quilt, and putting together a fun quilt back.

I'm sure I"ll go back to only buying 108'' wide fabric at some point, but for now: If I have extra fabric, I'm using it. And if I'm going to piece the quilt back, I want it to be awesome

Here are five tips for piecing a quilt back--and its fun to share some pictures from that linky party way back in 2013!


 Improv Stars Quilt Back by Amanda Hohns

1. Use up quilt blocks pieced for the front and not used, or piece a few extra and include them on the back.


Nursery Versery Quilt by Rita Hodge of Red Pepper Quilts

2. Use a strip of patchwork to combine/harmonize 2 different pieces of fabric.


A Lovely Rainbow by Tricia Martin3. You don't just have to use big cuts of fabric on the back! Use all the tiny pieces and combine them into strips! I actually took this photo at my old neighborhood pool for my friend Tricia. I had forgotten about our pool photo shoots c. 2011.A


Brighter Shade of Pale by Adrianne On the Windy Side4. Sometimes, my favorite method is to go full "kitchen sink," and use up all of the bigger cuts from the front, or even find new fabrics in my stash that "go," and then just put them together. I love how ordered this quilt back is--it helps calm down an intense + lovely selection of prints.


Quilt back by Megan from Canoe Ridge Creations5. If you are looking for a more minimalist approach, simplify your palette. This quilt back would look very different with 4 bright color stripes; instead, its calm and soothing with a simple, cohesive color palette.


This post was originally written as an email for the Solitude Star Quilt Along.Solitude Star Quilt Pattern Available Here