Modern Crossing Quilt // Works in Progress

Modern Crossing Quilt in Progress 2.JPG

Last month, when I shared my plans for the day with my girls (my husband and son were backpacking in the nearby Uintah Mountains) Ellie, my 4 year old said, "I am done with nature, and I am done with you!" For sure, signs of a busy and successful summer moving into fall, right?


I've been finishing up some short term and long term projects, including my Modern Crossing Quilt. [Pattern by Eliane at Patchwork and Poodles]. I used some Kona Cotton in Silver that I happened to have, paired it with Essex Linen in Peacock (its hard to see here but its an awesome, almost shimmery blue/teal), and Lizzy House's Constellation reprint. It is for a darling friend who just got married, and who loves rainbows, and my finished quilt top is currently being long armed.
