Greek Cross Quilt // A Finished Modern Quilt


Several (more than a few) years ago, some friends and I hosted a “not your mama’s quilt group,” a quilting bee for our kids. Some of the months were simple, some of the months we hobbled through the quilt block, and both of my kids ended up with awesome (and more importantly) finished bed size quilts. I’m sitting on the Greek Cross quilt on the couch right now—its been washed and worn and loved for a long time, and it still looks great.


The block tutorial was written by Faith Jones from Fresh Lemons Quilts, and was written in 2011 as part of our Summer Sampler Series.


I hardly ever work on one thing at a time—its fun to see my design wall and see what I was working on at the same time. Both solids, both block based, both gifts. Both FINISHED. I used to have a million works in progress (and I still have some from the “before” days). I attribute that 100% to two wonderful things. I started long arming most/all of my quilts, and my mom is so nice and binds many of them. Game-Changing!


Abby Latimer did the quilting on this—i love the irregular curved lines—brings so much movement to such a uniform quilt.


One of my favorite things about this quilt are the “inverse” blocks—the ones that have a white cross and colored background, or the ones where the cross is two toned. Some of that was on purpose, and some of that was running out of favorite fabrics. Make do and make design choices and all that.


The sign of a great quilt in my mind: crinkled to the max, after so many washings!

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